Showing: 201 - 210 of 252 RESULTS

How to Make and Use Aloe Vera Foliar Spray for Fertilizer Your Plants: Flowers

Aloe Vera is renowned in the world of natural health and skin care for its healing, soothing and refreshing properties. The Egyptians even called Aloe “the plant of immortality”! Rich in nutrients, enzymes and antioxidants, aloe vera offers numerous benefits to humans when applied topically or ingested – including increased hydration, digestion, cell regeneration, wound …


Cultivating Baby Cucumbers at Home in Containers

Growing baby cucumbers at home in containers is a rewarding and enjoyable gardening experience. Whether you have limited outdoor space or simply want to bring the joys of gardening indoors, container gardening offers a convenient and productive way to cultivate these crisp and refreshing vegetables. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process …


10 Ways to get Peace Lilies bloom

Learn how to make the Peace Lily bloom and brighten your interior with its subtle touch of elegance, beauty and serenity! If you’re a big fan of white flowers (bracts), peace lily must be on your bucket list. While indoor plants are hardy and thrive with little maintenance, flowering will grab most of your attention …


10 Stunning Variegated Snake Plants

Variegated Snake Plants add a twist to the appearance of this popular air-purifying specimen that we all love so much! Variegated Snake Plants can be a striking addition to any indoor garden! Keep them in your room to invite a colorful contrast to the decor. Variegated Snake Plants 1. Moonshine Snake Plant Scientific Name: Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Moonshine’ …